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Experience blissful sleep with our innovative app. Choose from various calming breathing techniques. Place your phone by your bedside, follow the screen's gentle brightness on your wall, and effortlessly drift into a peaceful slumber. Say goodbye to sleep troubles and wake up refreshed every day.

Morpheus home screen
Morpheus Onboarding Screen
Morpheus Box Breathing technique
Morpheus Logo
How it works

How it works?


Setup and Position

Select your preferred breathing technique. Set the duration for your session. You can choose soothing background sounds or music all along. Place your phone and make sure it's pointing towards a wall where the screen brightness can be easily seen.


Start Your Sleep Aid

Turn off the lights. Press Start and begin the breathing session. Follow the brightness pattern according to the chosen technique until you start to feel relaxed and drowsy!

To know


Sweet dreams!

Rest easy knowing that once your session is complete, your screen will automatically turn off.

Morpheus logo white

Essential Informations

User-Centric Testing

Our team has meticulously tested Morpheus with various users to ensure it provides the best sleep experience. We've fine-tuned brightness, colors, and breathing techniques.

We've also redesigned Morpheus app with soothing colors and minimalism, creating an app that's not just effective but also calming.

Create a Peaceful Sleep or Relaxing Environment

For the best results, use Morpheus in a dark, calm place, ideally your bedroom. This serene environment enhances the effectiveness of the experience.

Breathing Instructions

These aren't just guidelines; they're the key to unlocking the full potential of Morpheus. Please follow the breathing instructions meticulously for your chosen technique. By doing so, you'll allow the rhythm of your breath to be your guiding force, leading you towards tranquility and a restful night's sleep.

Your Privacy Matters!

We prioritize your privacy and data security by collecting nothing else but your current country for a personalized experience and session data to improve our services. Your information is kept confidential, and we adhere to strict privacy policies to ensure your peace of mind.

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What they say

What they say about Morpheus

« I just didn't realize when I start sleeping. »


«It completely transformed my sleep routine! 🌙»


« This app made my nights magical»


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